Toronto District School Board
Give To Toronto District School Board

The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is a registered charity. Donations made through this module are eligible for tax receipts for income tax purposes. Please select the school that you want your donations to be directed to in the drop-down menu below and then select the 'Initiative' you want to support.  You may also indicate the purpose of the donation in the 'Message' field. ​ 

PLEASE NOTE THIS PAGE IS INTENDED FOR DONATIONS ONLY. PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS PAGE TO PAY FOR YOUR CHILD'S STUDENT ACTIVITY FEES (E.G. PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY FEES, YEARBOOK, PIZZA LUNCHES, HOT LUNCH). To pay for your child's school activity fees, please sign in to your account using the “SIGN IN” link at the top right corner of this page.

Donations made through this online donation page are non-refundable. The donation receipt will be issued to the name of the login account holder or, if using the guest check out feature, the name of the cardholder.  

If donations are being made on behalf of a corporation or business, please use the credit card in the company name and enter the corporation or business name in the First Name and Surname fields which will be the name that appears on the tax receipt. DO NOT ENTER YOUR PERSONAL NAME. Alternatively, the company or business can make the donation to the school by issuing a cheque made payable to “TDSB-School Name” and have the cheque sent directly to the school.  The school will then send the cheque to the General Accounting department at the board office, who will issue and send the tax receipt in the company name.

TDSB will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate the intended purpose of the donation. Donations to a specific TDSB school or program will be directed to that school or program if specified by the donor. TDSB will not redirect such donations to another TDSB school, program, central department or fund unless it is a term/condition of the donation. However, if the original purpose of the donation no longer exists, or cannot to be complied with, or if the donation cannot be fully utilized for that purpose, or if the donation violates TDSB policy or the law (e.g., Human Rights Code), TDSB reserves the right to redirect the donation made to other appropriate charitable purposes. All monetary donations to the TDSB become property of the TDSB.

You will have the option to sign into your account (if you are a registered School Cash Online user) or Guest Checkout (if you have not registered) before proceeding to the payment page.

Please be advised that e-Cheque is a preferred method payment as there are no transaction fees. If a credit card is used, up to 2% may be deducted from the donation amount for the cost of bank merchant fees. 100% of the donation will be shown on the donation tax receipt regardless of payment method chosen. 

If have questions, please email us at

Thank you for your generous donation to the TDSB.

Gift Information
I would like to make a donation of: $20$50$100$250$500$1000 Other Amount:

Tribute Information
This gift is: Name of honoree:

Message to School Board
Message: (Optional)

Tax Receipt
A donation receipt will be emailed to you upon completion of your cart checkout.